Stargazer provides suggestions for when there are good conditions for stargazing, based on a 5 days 3 hours interval forecast provided by OpenWeather. For general weather forecasts you can use Abiro Weather.
If From or To is left blank actual Sunset and Sunrise (+/- Margin) will be used as time window. A clear sky is no doubt the most important condition, but low temperature and strong wind can be more or less important as well based on your clothing and equipment, so change them based on their relevance to you.
Time (hours) | From: To: Margin: |
Cloud cover (%) | Highest: |
Temperature (˚C) | Lowest: |
Wind speed (m/s) | Highest: |
Show unsuitable | |
Show charts | Type: |
Times are local as per the given time zone.
Time zone | Sunset | Sunrise | Moonrise | Moonset | Phase | Brightness % |
1 | 16:02 | 08:28 | 14:59 | 09:10 | full moon | 99 |
Time | Weather | Cloud cover % | Temperature ˚C | Wind speed m/s |
Thursday 16 Jan 22:00 | Clouds, few clouds | 19 | 4.14 | 4.31 |
Friday 17 Jan 01:00 | Clouds, few clouds | 15 | 3.6 | 4.09 |
Friday 17 Jan 22:00 | Clear, clear sky | 0 | 3.68 | 3.16 |
Saturday 18 Jan 01:00 | Clear, clear sky | 0 | 3.24 | 3.04 |